Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry Center

Why Do People Get Their Dental Work Done in Mexico?

Jun 16, 2023 @ 10:20 AM — by Dr. Jose Valenzuela
Tagged with: Why People Get Their Dental Work Done In Mexico

Are you unsatisfied with dental care in your country? Do you wish the prices for cosmetic procedures and dental implants were more affordable? These are just a few of the reasons that medical tourism for dentistry is gaining in popularity.

Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry Center in Los Algodones, Mexico, serves patients throughout Mexicali, Yuma, AZ, and beyond who want to reap the benefits of medical tourism. Here are five reasons why people get their dental work done in Mexico:

1. Dental Care in Mexico Is Inexpensive

The most common reason people choose to receive dental care in Mexico is the unbeatable prices. Dental school in Mexico is considerably less expensive than it is in the United States and the cost of living is lower. These factors allow dentists to provide their services at much lower prices.

When you undergo dental treatment in Mexico, you're not choosing lower-quality services—you're choosing a country that provides essential services for lower rates.

2. The Dental Work in Mexico Is High Quality

Our equipment and dental solutions meet or exceed U.S. standards, so care with us is just as safe and effective as it would be in the U.S. Our office is certified by the American Dental Association and other American dental organizations to give our American patients, who make up 98% of our clientele, peace of mind.

Our dentists were trained in the United States but chose to open a practice in Mexico so more patients have access to affordable dental implants, veneers, and more. This training sets us apart from other Mexican dentists who cater to dental tourism patients.

3. Our Location Is Convenient

Los Algodones is just across the border from Yuma, AZ, and can be a quick day trip for many Americans in the Mexicali area who need dental work. Our office can arrange transportation for patients from far away who are staying in a hotel across the border in the U.S.

4. Communicating Is Easy at Bilingual Dental Practices

You may be worried about not being able to communicate with our staff when undergoing treatment with us, but we understand the importance of communicating in your native language. Many of our staff members, and our dentists, are bilingual, speaking both Spanish and English.

5. The Local Area Is Beautiful

Many patients turn their dental procedure into a mini vacation where they experience the sights, sounds, and foods of the Los Algodones area and surrounding communities. If you’ve always wanted to take a short trip to Mexico, this might be the perfect time to do so!

Benefit From Dental Work in Los Algodones—Contact Us

If you’re ready to reap the benefits that medical tourism for dentistry can offer, we want to hear from you. Our Los Algodones dental office is ready to work with you to improve your oral health and enhance your smile with quality services at prices you can afford. Reach out to us today to discuss your treatment options and to find out much you can save on your dental care.