Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry Center

Oral Injury, Tooth Loss, and Your Treatment Options

Jun 3, 2017 @ 11:00 AM — by Jose Valenzuela
Tagged with: Missing Teeth Restorative Dentistry

Dental injuries come in many different forms, and the team at our Los Algodones dental health center is well-equipped to address them. For tooth loss, we can use dental implants to anchor appliances, allowing people to bite and chew normally as well as smile with confidence.

Right now, we want to consider how various physical traumas can lead to tooth loss. We'll then briefly note some options for treatment and prevention.

Injuries That Can Lead to Missing Teeth

There are plenty of incidents that can lead to the loss of a tooth. Some of them include the following:

The Dangers of Tooth Loss

Tooth loss can leave you feeling self-conscious about the look of your smile, but there are important dental health concerns to consider as well. When you're missing a tooth, there's an increased risk of bone loss and gum recession in the tooth gap. In addition, teeth adjacent to the tooth gap may come loose or shift out of position.

Obviously there's the issue of biting and chewing. Major tooth loss can make it difficult to eat right and stay healthy.

Can a Knocked Out Tooth Be Saved?

In some cases, yes. It's important that the issue be addressed as soon as possible. If you can, try to place the tooth back into place gently. If this does not work, keep the tooth in a small cup of milk and seek emergency dental care. (Water will suffice, but milk is preferable.)

If you have other pressing medical emergencies in addition to tooth loss, be sure to have those addressed first.

Treatments for Missing Teeth

There are plenty of treatments for missing teeth to consider. In many cases, a dental bridge is the ideal option for treatment. Major tooth loss may be better addressed with a partial denture. If a person has lost most or all of their teeth in some sort of injury, a full denture will be recommended.

It's also possible for dental implants to be used in some cases. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that can hold a bridge, a denture, or an individual crown in place.

Tips for Preventing Tooth Loss

The best way to avoid tooth loss is to wear face, mouth, and head protection whenever it's prudent. When eating, be sure to chew slowly and to savor your food, as this can make a major difference in avoiding injury.

Learn More About Treating Tooth Loss

For more information about treating tooth loss and helping you smile with renewed confidence, be sure to contact our team of dental care and oral surgery specialists today. We will help you have a healthy and beautiful smile again.